Overwhelmed. Uncertain. Worried.

It feels like you’re living in the “worst-case-scenario” all the time.

You have racing thoughts that just won’t take a break.

You feel tense all over. You can’t breathe.

It’s all just too much to handle.

Living this way day in and day out can take a toll on us mentally, emotionally, and physically. It’s hard to see a way out.

Know that you’re not alone in this.

If you stay stuck in this space, nothing actually gets better- in fact, it can be detrimental to your job, your relationships, and your health. Finding a way to a more peaceful existence may be a challenge, but it is possible- with the right help!

Anxiety shows up in different forms:

-Emotional: worry, stress, fear, overwhelm, insecurity

-Mental: racing thoughts, difficulty focusing/concentrating or hyper-focusing, negativity, over-planning – Like living in a future that hasn’t even happened yet.

-Physical: tension, nausea, gastrointestinal distress, body aches and pains, headaches, increased heart rate

These symptoms can compound on each other, making the anxiety worse!

Being able to work on the symptoms in therapy has a huge impact on this cycle. Recognizing them for what they are and understanding why they’re there is where we start.

We identify tools to manage the symptoms so you can find relief.

We explore what’s underneath- what the root cause of the anxiety is and work towards healing.

Once you have insight about what it is and why it’s there, and you’ve developed skills to cope with the symptoms, you feel more in charge, empowered, and in better control of how you handle life’s stressors.

You’ll recognize that these symptoms no longer are running your life- You are in charge of your life in a way you maybe didn’t know was possible.

Fear and worry- replaced with confidence

Overwhelm and uncertainty- replaced with calm and serenity

Tension melts away and you feel yourself breathe again- a relaxing, soothing feeling long overdue!

And you can use the tools and personal knowledge you gain in therapy as you face challenges that arise throughout your life. You can use what you gain in therapy to face future challenges with a sense of confidence, clarity, and wisdom, which impacts how you make decisions, how you show up in your relationships, and how you’re able to function day to day.

Change can be scary and making the decision to work on these issues is not always easy, but you can overcome and heal with the right guidance.

If you’re done drowning in anxiety and are ready to learn how to breathe again, contact me and let’s get started!


Find healing and experience life differently.