Helpless. Violated. Broken.

You may feel anxious, afraid. Even if you’re not currently in danger, it feels like you’re constantly on guard.

Emotions seem out of control.

You may experience flashbacks or feel like you’re back in the traumatic experience- even if you’re not.

Memory issues, sleep problems, and feeling like you’re always on alert make it hard to feel “normal.”

You may experience somatic/bodily symptoms, such as unexplained headaches or stomach issues, even lowered immune system and possible chronic health problems.

You avoid anything that reminds you of what you’ve been through.

Your relationships suffer.

It can change the way you view yourself and the world around you.

You may ask yourself:

“Why me?”

“Did I do something to deserve this?”

“Why do I keep doing the things I do even though they’re not good for me?”

“How do I break this cycle?”

If you are dealing with this on a regular basis, it can feel like the trauma is taking over your life. The overwhelming sense of vulnerability takes a toll and can leave you feeling helpless, alone, and broken.

You want to help from this burden, but you’re not sure how. You know that if something doesn’t change, if you don’t work through this, you’ll likely find yourself in the same patterns over and over that keep you in a state of suffering and prevent you from living your best life.

The truth of the matter is that change and healing are possible. If you give yourself the chance and you have the right support and guidance, you can find your way out of the suffering into a place of safety and peace.

What is trauma?

It can come in many forms- from emotional/physical/mental/sexual abuse, neglect, abandonment, personal safety violations, disasters, and/or loss to sometimes more subtle forms where you may not even realize its trauma until you see the devastation left in its wake.

When you’re in the midst of the trauma, your body goes into survival mode. This effects your nervous system and engages a fight/flight/freeze response that’s designed to help you survive.

The problem is that after you’re away from the danger, this survival system may still be engaged-ready to detect a threat and keep you safe and alive.

Which works great in dangerous situations but can cause a whole slew of problems if it’s just another Tuesday.

The trauma gets trapped in your body/mind and even benign situations can trigger an unpleasant response.

Therapy helps you work through the pain and devastation of the trauma.

It helps build resilience and create a more empowered story for your life experiences.

We help you make meaning of what you’ve survived/endured and find a way to the other side of the pain- where you are no longer feeling defined by the trauma and you are back in charge of your life.

Your pain deserves to be heard, acknowledged, validated. Your story is important and you have the ability to grow from the experience. And therapy can help you through this.

With help, you can work through the wreckage and return to life in a new way. Through healing these wounds, you can find a path to peaceful living- no longer being dragged along or weighed down by the wounds you’ve carried for so long. You enter each day with wisdom and strength you’ve gained though your experiences.

You’re able to experience a life outside of the trauma, no longer defined by the pain.

Through therapy, you gain insight and skills to help you cope and manage life situations whenever the need arises. With that, you can live your life more fully and confidently.

If this resonates with you and you are ready to heal the wounds that have been taking over your life and learn how to empower yourself so you can reengage in life in a new way, then I am ready to help you make that happen.

Reaching out and asking for help can be a vulnerable feeling. It is not easy taking that first step. But you know what’s at stake if you don’t. This is the beginning of your healing journey.

I look forward to helping you along that path.

Contact me below and let’s get started!


Find healing and experience life differently.